Understand, for those of you out there who are unfamiliar with Christianity, it is not a denomination like Baptist or Catholic. It is simply a person who has claimed Jesus Christ as their only savior and studies and follows the Bible. And the simplest definition of Christian principles is this: To love each other and proclaim the message of Christ. That's it. It really is that simple. Let me repeat: To. Love. Each. Other. Not to judge, condemn, punish, or anything else. Actually, the Bible specifically tells Christians that only God can judge men's hearts.
I wanted to explain that because there are way too many people out there who are claiming that they represent the "Christian base" then proceed to insult, impugn, and obliterate other races, cultures, or anything else different from themselves. I hate that these people are the most vocal so it is their behavior the rest of us are judged against. I cannot be more clear about the fact that Jesus explicitly tells us to love EVERYONE. He does not ask us to accept all sin or all beliefs, but He does command us to accept everyone. He also explains that since everyone is a sinner, and all sin being equal, no one is allowed to be superior to his brother or sister.
This means that I, as a Christian, cannot accept homosexuality itself. But it does mean that I am commanded to accept a homosexual as a friend, a brother or a sister. I am to be loving to them, not judging them. Because in God's eyes, their homosexuality isn't any different than when I lie or have an impure thought or any of the other sins we commit everyday. I am to accept a homeless person or drug addict as I would a CEO or pastor. It does not mean I allow someone to use drugs in my home or around my children. But if they come to me seeking love, advice, encouragement, I am to provide those things to them.
Jesus tells us to be careful of turning away those who come to us for help in some way because it could be one of His angels giving us an opportunity to serve Him through love. Although we are not to be doormats lying around for the world to abuse, we are to be as open and loving as He was and is and will be to come. As long as there are those who do not know Him or seek to follow Him, we are to help them, guide them, and through our interaction, both draw closer to God.
I don't mean for this to sound so preachy, but I wanted to distinguish myself from those abusive, hate-filled tyrants on TV claiming to be fulfilling God's will.
Just know this: if someone claims to be a Christian, yet you see no evidence of love, they are a liar. The Bible even tells us so in the book of James: "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers." James 2::8,9
"With the tongue we praise our LORD and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be." James 3:9,10
I pray that the real truth of God's love and mercy soon drowns out the false message being heard so loudly now. And it can only do that through the actions of His followers that show His love and mercy daily in their life and their deeds. God bless you all.