Goulash was "junk" soup growing up. We just tossed in anything we had with some beef bouillon and tomato sauce then we ate. This is my way of saying here is just a mass jumble of thoughts.
First, I haven't written since April?? You don't realize how busy you've been until you stop and look back. Of course, May is always a scramble it seems. And June, July, August...well, you get the point. It's a good busy, though. I spent all of May, and will spend all summer, doing things for my babies. And what's better than that??? Nothing. I am constantly amazed at how much I love them.
New topic! How awesomely lame has the summer movie season been so far?? I am super excited about almost everything coming out, but according to experts, May is supposed to set the tone for the summer. Well, this year that tone sucked. Shrek 4, really 4? Sex and the City 2? I'm supposed to believe they really looked like that in the desert? Like I care anyway. Want to know what's bad? I can't even think of any other movies that have debuted. That's how bad it's been. But with Toy Story 3, ATeam, Eclipse, The Expendables, and more still to come, I have faith that it can only go up from here.
Switch! How awesome were the cartoons from the 80s and 90s? I'll tell you: really freaking awesome. I am trying to introduce them to my babies, and I find myself having the best time reminiscing. And can I say that they are better than the cartoons on now? I mean, seriously, have you watched Cartoon Network recently? Not to mention that Nick doesn't even show cartoons anymore. And the live shows are stupid. I mean, worse than just kid stupid.
Last topic: Did anyone else hate the character of Worf's son on Star Trek? What was his name anyway? It was like Gene Roddenberry's version of Scrappy from Scooby Doo. I can honestly say that for the first and probably only time, I would have been fine with a storyline that killed off a kid. That kid. Worf's kid. I know it's a weird ramble, but I just had to get that off my chest. Couldn't let that anger fester.
I'm sure there are more thoughts I could toss in, but I'm tired. Oh to sleep....