I know most people wouldn't get excited about snow flurries that don't even stick when it lands, but here in Texas it's a big deal!! People are driving about 10 miles an hour, you can see others standing in skyscraper windows watching it fall, and everyone is huddled up like we've been transplanted in Alaska. I love it!
I get so excited about stuff like this; I'm as bad as my kids. I love standing outside watching it, catching it on my tongue, and trying desperately to make a Texas Snowman. (For all those not aware, a Texas Snowman stands less than a foot tall, is made of slush, and melts when you touch him.)
I have to say that I get just as excited about that perfect sunny day with perfect blue skies, perfect temperature, perfect everything. I also love a good thunderstorm with lightning so big it makes its own thunder, raindrops the size of birds, and rolling thunder so constant it never stops rumbling. I guess I love it all.
I know so many people who never stop long enough to look around them at the weather until it interferes with their day. The snow is a nuisance because it means longer commutes, the rain a pain because it becomes too humid outside, and the sunny day a bother because it is too hot outside. And I guess I can't argue with them, but what does grumbling do? It doesn't change the weather, and Mother Nature is always so beautiful.
Take a moment right now to look around you and really see her. Appreciate her. Stand in awe at her power. One thing is for sure: she will eventually get your attention.
Here's hoping you're having a miraculous day wherever you are!!
Happy Snow Days and Merry Christmas!!